Sunday, September 27, 2009

Inward reedom

He who discovers his true end of life and yields to it utterly is great of Soul.
Though every thing else is taken away from him,
though he has to walk the streets,cold,hungry and alone,
though he may know no human being into whose eyes he can look and find understanding,
he shall yet be able to go his way with a smile on his lips,for,he has gained inward freedom.

Pilgrim,Pilgrimage and Road

" All you have been,and seen,and done, and thought,
Not You,but I,have seen and been and wrought. . .
Pilgrim,Pilgrimage and Road
Was but Myself at my own Door. . .
Come, you lost Atoms, to your Centre draw. . .
Rays that have wandered into Darkness wide,
Return, and back in your Sun subside"

Man ti qu t- Tair (tr. Fitzgerald)